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Lacure ofrece beneficios terapéuticos para tu piel

El Mar Muerto, uno de los paisajes naturales y espirituales más espectaculares de todo el mundo. El cuerpo de agua más salado de la tierra, el punto más bajo de la tierra y la fuente más rica del mundo de minerales naturales, que esconde maravillosos tesoros que se han acumulado a lo largo de miles de años.

Discover The Dead Sea

Jordan Dead Sea

Dead Sea, one of the most spectacular natural and spiritual landscapes in the whole world. The saltiest body of water on earth, the lowest point on earth, and the world’s richest source of natural minerals, hiding wonderful treasures which have accumulated throughout thousands of years.

The Dead Sea is 427 meters (1,401 ft) below sea level, and is 306 m (1,004 ft) deep. It is the deepest hyper saline lake in the world, with 34.2% salinity making it 9.6 times as salty as the ocean.


Los m?s vendidos

La Cure Mud Soap is a rich lathering soap enriched with Dead Sea Mud and natural oils to revitalizes the appearance of skin and moisturize leaving the complexion looking radiant. This soap cleanses and clarifies the skin by removing deep-seated impurities with a deep pore cleansing action. This soap is perfect as an acne prone skin cleaner. Suitable for all types of skin. This products contains no animal products and is Not tested on animals. Alcohol Free & Paraben Free.
El Jabón de Semillas Negras La Cure es una combinación única de Minerales Naturales del Mar Muerto, aceite de Semillas Negras y aceites naturales, que han demostrado ser uno de los aspectos fundamentales para promover una piel bella y sana. El aceite esencial de Semillas Negras y el aceite de Oliva hidratan profundamente la piel ayudando a suavizarla. Las Semillas Negras limpian y aclaran la piel eliminando la capa superior de cédulas muertas restituyendo el equilibrio del PH natural.
Jabón de Sales Minerales del Mar Muerto La Cure, fabricado con sales naturales del Mar Muerto. Enriquecido con minerales naturales beneficiosos y esenciales para una piel sana. El jabón de sales limpia, cauteriza y elimina las impurezas de la piel mientras restituye el equilibrio natural de pH. La misma. Elimina el exceso de grasa de la piel dejándola limpia.
La Cure Moisturizing Cream is enriched with Dead Sea Minerals, Vitamin E, Natural Apple and Carrot Extracts to hydrate and deep moisturize all skin types. A long-lasting protection to promote skin elasticity and ensure optimum hydration levels are maintained. This Moisturizing Cream is carefully formulated to help protect the skin from environmental stressors and dryness. Highly recommended for Dry Skin. This product contains no animal products and is Not tested on animals. Alcohol Free & Paraben Free.
Jabón Exfoliante La Cure formulado con minerales naturales del Mar Muerto y polvo de cáscara de nuez, para eliminar las células muertas de la capa superior de la piel dejándola hidratada y saludable. Apto para todos los tipos de piel.
La Cure Protective Day Cream is a feather-light moisturizer combining Dead Sea minerals with Vitamin E, Jojoba Oil and Aloe Vera to formulate this light, easily absorbed facial cream. Regular use will help skin look healthier and feel softer. Easily absorbed by the skin. A perfect base for make-up. This product contains no animal products and is Not tested on animals. Alcohol Free & Paraben Free.
La Cure Clarifying Mineral Shampoo for Oily Hair is a deep cleansing Mineral Shampoo, formulated to minimize oil levels, add shine, and retexture hair. Regular use helps alleviate dandruff and wash off loose flakes. This product contains no animal products and is Not tested on animals. Alcohol Free & Paraben Free.
La Cure Dead Sea Salts offers you the benefits of enjoying all the minerals present in the Dead Sea with recreating the atmosphere at your place. Rich in minerals that are known to be “food for the skin” and renowned for their beautifying powers. Soak in these Natural Salts and feel the relaxing benefits. Natural Product. This product contains no animal products and is Not tested on animals. Alcohol Free & Paraben Free.