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La Cure Mud Soap is a rich lathering soap enriched with Dead Sea Mud and natural oils to revitalizes the appearance of skin and moisturize leaving the complexion looking radiant. This soap cleanses and clarifies the skin by removing deep-seated impurities with a deep pore cleansing action. This soap is perfect as an acne prone skin cleaner. Suitable for all types of skin. This products contains no animal products and is Not tested on animals. Alcohol Free & Paraben Free.
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The Dead Sea is the world’s largest natural spa, containing a unique composition of minerals renowned for their beautifying powers.
La Cure Mud Soap combines Dead Sea Mud with natural oils. This rich lathering soap revitalizes the appearance of skin and moisturizes leaving the complexion looking radiant. This soap cleanses and clarifies the skin by removing deep-seated impurities with a deep pore cleansing action. This is a perfect soap for skin prone to acne.
Suitable for all types of skin.
This products contains no animal products and is Not tested on animals. Alcohol Free & Paraben Free.


  • Deep cleaning for pores and acne prone skin.
  • Revitalizing the appearance of skin.
  • Moisturizing effects for Dry Skin leaving skin feeling silky-smooth.
  • Moisturizes the skin so that complexion looks radiant.


  • External use only.
  • Avoid eye contact.
  • Open with precaution use.
  • Keep away from sun and heat.

The Dead Sea is the world’s largest natural spa, containing a unique composition of minerals renowned for their beautifying powers.
La Cure Mud Soap combines Dead Sea Mud with natural oils. This rich lathering soap revitalizes the appearance of skin and moisturizes leaving the complexion looking radiant. This soap cleanses and clarifies the skin by removing deep-seated impurities with a deep pore cleansing action. This is a perfect soap for skin prone to acne.
Suitable for all types of skin.
This products contains no animal products and is Not tested on animals. Alcohol Free & Paraben Free.


  • Deep cleaning for pores and acne prone skin.
  • Revitalizing the appearance of skin.
  • Moisturizing effects for Dry Skin leaving skin feeling silky-smooth.
  • Moisturizes the skin so that complexion looks radiant.


  • External use only.
  • Avoid eye contact.
  • Open with precaution use.
  • Keep away from sun and heat.
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